July 2022 DBTC Ride Schedule
Friday, July 1st:
8:30 AM Leisure H1-18-SW. LEE GULCH LOOP Meet Jill McMahon(303 888-0314 cell) at the Aspen Grove Shopping Center parking lot in the very southeast corner (south of the Alamo Drafthouse.) This is a loop ride on the Platte River Trail, the Big Dry Creek Trail, the Highline Trail and the Lee Gulch Trail. It winds around some very pretty areas - mostly on paved trails but some hard gravel and a short distance on residential streets. There will be an optional lunch afterwards at Panera. Bring a snack, and money for lunch if you plan to join us.
Saturday, July 2nd:
Want to post a ride on MeetUp? Contact Jeff jkrinsky2003@yahoo.com or Patty patty@gasparjones.com. If you have led rides in the past we will post it for you. If not, we will help you become a ride leader.
Sunday, July 3rd
Want to post a ride on MeetUp? Contact Jeff jkrinsky2003@yahoo.com or Patty patty@gasparjones.com. If you have led rides in the past we will post it for you. If
not, we will help you become a ride leader.
Monday, July 4th:
9:00AM FUN/FUN PLUS-H1-26-SW Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at Reynolds Landing (6745 S. Santa Fe Dr) for a ride north on the South Platte Trail to REI. After a break we will return via the same route. Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterwards.
Tuesday, July 5th:
8:00 AM FUN+-H2/3-26.6 miles-W-+1325' elev. "The INFINITY-to-INFINITUS Loop *Event*!" MEET 08:00am, ROLL 08:15am. Leader needs a head count pre-ride and it's important that riders TEXT RSVP to 303-905-8510. Register by July 4, 3pm. Join Marilyn Choske at the Infinitus Pizza Pie rear parking lot, 5807 W. 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge. From the Pie lot, we'll maneuver our way to Clear Creek Trail west to Golden and do a couple of climbs out there (Tucker, Hwy 6). After we salute and pass the Taj Mahal structure, we'll enjoy a somewhat downhill spree back to Wheat Ridge. Then it's another climb up to Crown Hill Park and tool around the lake over to 32nd Ave. Pedal thru neighborhoods and back to Infinitus for a well-deserved artisan pizza and beverage. (Bicyclists get a free soft drink. Our group riders can opt for a stronger brew at Happy Hour prices. Thank You Matt, the Manager!) This ride may feel infinite but there IS an Infinitus pizza pie awaiting you at the end! Bring $ to enjoy lunch. If you have a DBTC jersey, wear it.
10:00 AM MTB Show-n-GoELK MEADOW, Buchanan Park Rec Center These are Show’nGo Rides: The folks who show up decide which trails to ride. Meet in Evergreen’s Buchanan Park Recreation Center parking lot THE DIRECTIONS: Buchanan Park Rec Center is located at the intersection of Colo Hwy 74 (Evergreen Parkway) and Squaw Pass (Colo Hwy 103). From I-70: Take exit 252 for Evergreen Parkway. Continue for roughly 3 miles to the intersection of 74 and 103. Turn left at traffic light; Buchanan Park rec center and Tuscany Tavern are located in this complex adjacent to the softball fields. From downtown Evergreen, follow Hwy 74 up to the intersection of 74 and 103. Or load directions to 32003 Ellingwood Trail, Evergreen 80439. POSTRIDE: Bring a chair and food for a post ride picnic in the parking lot. If the group wishes, we can dine on the patio at nearby Tuscany Tavern
Wednesday, July 6th:
9:00 AM FUN PLUS. H2 - 30 miles - West. Welcome a new ride leader! Meet Tom Fitzgerald (303-424-1082) at Anderson Park (44th & Field) for a ride east on the Clear Creek Trail to the Platte River Trail. Then south to the Lakewood Dry Gulch Trail (~13th Avenue), where we'll head west to Garrison Street, then north through the Glens to Crown Hill Park, and back to the Clear Creek Trail and Anderson Park. We'll take a break at REI along the way. Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterwards.
8:30 LEISURE H1-17-NW. The Because I Haven’t Yet Ridden Hwy 36 Trail To The Trail’s Southern End ride. Meet Jake Jacobi (720.808.2306) behind McDonalds on the south-west corner of 100th and Wadsworth Pkwy. The ride will be on Big Dry Creek, the Hwy 36 Trail south, Bradburn Blvd, Little Dry Creek to Kipling; then on streets back to the start. Optional lunch afterwards.
Thursday, July 7th:
7:15 AM FUN-H2-21-W-1034' elev. gain. "2022 Birthday-Girl Ride" Meet 07:15am. Register via TEXT to the leader by July 6. Join birthday-girl Marilyn Choske (303-905-8510) at Anderson Park, 44th & Field St, Wheat Ridge. Park in the lot at the end of the drive near the bike path. Nice, no-rush, casual pace for this westbound loop to Golden and the Peaks-to-Prairie trail & return. Some hills up, some down! Birthday cake & iced tea at the end of ride. Limit 10 riders, including leader. Ride will not go if it is rainy or forecast for morning rain. Call the leader if in doubt.
10:00 AM MTB P2 5 T2.5 Maryland Mountain Meet Janet Martel at 10:00 at the parking lot. Hidden Treasure Trailhead on CO HWY 119 about 1 mile north of Black Hawk. Restrooms available.Mileage approximately 12 miles. Singletrack jmartel98@gmail.com
Saturday, July 9th:
8:00 AM FUN PLUS-H2-28-SE Meet Ellen Fitzpatrick (720-209-2269) at the Broken Tee Golf course (2101 W. Oxford street, Englewood, which is just west of Santa Fe Dr.). CALL or Text me to confirm as I’m limiting riders to maximum 9 riders. Park far west end of parking lot, up against the bike path and Platte River, and meet there at the pavilion and bathroom area. We will ride out to and around Chatfield State Park via bike paths along the Platte, up to top of dam, and continue across the dam clockwise toward the marina and back around. There’s a mile+ stretch of dirt/gravel road on the dam to negotiate which can be done on a road bike. Planning a 12-13 mph average pace. About 550’ elevation. Bring water,snacks and lunch and we’ll gather after for social time.
Sunday, July 10th:
9:30 AM FUN PLUS-H3-24-NW-(Elevation Gain = 1207 feet) – Meet Jeff Krinsky (720-373-9107) for THE GREAT TOTEM POLE RIDE AKA THE HIDDEN GEMS OF INTERLOCKEN! This exciting ride full of twists and turns uses portions of the new Hwy. 36 Trail to take us on a loop that includes the hidden gems of Flatirons Mall, Interlocken, Standley Lake, and Rock Creek Village! We will meet at the Rock Creek Village Safeway, which is centrally located in Superior at the NW corner of Coalton and Rock Creek Parkway (Address is 1601 Coalton Rd., Superior). This ride is now 99.99% on paved trails.
Monday July 11th:
9:00 am FUN-H2-22 NE Meet Wayne Tomasello (720-854-8767) at The Black-eyed Pea Restaurant off 104th at I-25 for a ride along the Farmers Highline Canal to Standley Lake. The ride is on mostly paved bike path with some dirt path. There is some street riding. Lunch after the ride is at The Black-eyed Pea.
9:00AM FUN/FUN PLUS-H2-27-NW Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at Crown Hill Park (26th & Garrison) for a ride south to the Stone House and then east along the Bear Creek Trail connecting to the South Platte Trail. We will then ride north to REI and then back to the start via the Highlands and Wheat Ridge neighborhoods. Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterwards.
10:00 AM MTB P2.5, T2.5, Buffalo Creek THE RIDE: Meet Steve Thomas for a ride on the Buffalo Creek Trails. The ride will be approx. 15 miles with some extended climbing and a few technical downhill areas. THE TIME: Meet at the Buffalo Creek parking lot at 10:00AM. THE DIRECTIONS: Go west on Hwy 285 past Conifer to Pine Junction. Go left on Pine Valley Road, highway 126, to Pine. The parking lot for Buffalo Creek will be on the right about 3.3 miles south of Pine. THE FOOD: Bring snacks, drinks and chairs for after the ride at the park. QUESTIONS: Contact Steve Thomas at 303-419-2531. Entry fee of about $11, perhaps Or annual Pass.
Tuesday, July 12th:
8:30 LEISURE H1-15-SE Cherry Creek Reservoir Meet Dave Noble (home 303-694-2008, cell 303-906-3163) at the Arapahoe Road trailhead for the Cherry Creek trail (just east of Jordan Road on the south side of Arapahoe Road) to ride around Cherry Creek Reservoir (near the lake) and return after visiting Tagawa Gardens. Lunch will follow at Pho Vy restaurant.
9:15 AM FUN+-H3-29 miles-W-+1453’ elev. “Idaho Springs to G-Town Ice Cream & Return” MEET 09:00am, Roll 09:15am Register only via TEXT to leader by July 10. Meet Marilyn Choske (303-905-8510) for this Idaho Springs-to-Georgetown ice cream ride. Drive/meet directions follow description. Pedal on bikepath/trail thru Idaho Springs, onto Stanley Road to Georgetown. DBTC will treat you for your ride efforts with an ice cream treat. Return the same route. CASUAL climbing pace to and ZIPPITY-DO-DAH descent pace from Georgetown. Limit 10 riders, including leader. Ride will not go if it is rainy or the forecast is for rain in the morning. Call the leader if in doubt. DIRECTIONS: I-70 Exit 241. Take first RIGHT at the exit roundabout and follow the road up & over I-70. Just past the green sign, turn RIGHT towards County Road 314 (if you miss this turn, you’re back on eastbound I-70!). Turn RIGHT at the stop sign & continue to the ballpark ahead and park on the north side of the park.
10:00 AM, MTB P2,T2 Show’nGo Aldefers Three Sisters, West Parking Show and Go ride; there is no leader, however riders may group up by ability, and choose trails they wish to ride, THE DIRECTIONS: Go to the signalized “T” intersection in downtown Evergreen, then south on Hwy 73 for ½ mile to another signal at Buffalo Park Road. Turn right (west) for 2.2 miles and enter the upper Alderfer parking lot just beyond the bright yellow house in the meadow. POSTRIDE: Bring a chair and snacks for a post ride picnic in the parking lot.Or diners could eat on the patio of the nearby Keys On The Green MAP INFO: Go to Jefferson County Open Space, click on Parks, click on Aldefer Three Sisters, click on map
Wednesday, July 13th:
9:00 AM FUN-H2-23 SW New Tunnel New Route Meet Patty Gaspar (303-618-5069) at Broken Tee Golf Course (2101 W. Oxford, Englewood 80110) for a ride up Big Dry Creek to the Highline Canal. The canal is hard packed along this beautiful section of the trail that will have you humming Country Roads. I will be on my road bike, but a hybrid is better. We will go UNDER Hampden and Colorado Blvd. using the two new tunnels then 4 miles of downhill on Dartmouth and back. Picnic lunch after.
Saturday, July 16th:
8:30 AM FUN-H2-23 SE Meet Ellen Fitzpatrick (720-209-2269) at the Broken Tee Golf course (2101 W. Oxford street, Englewood, which is just west of Santa Fe Dr.). Park far west end of parking lot, up against the bike path and Platte River, and meet there at the pavilion and bathroom area. We will leave at 8:45 latest, riding south toward the Chatfield dam and heading east on the C470 trail. We will continue east to the Ferrari place and turn left (north) on Clarkson bike lane for 3 miles. Then some neighborhood streets over to Big Dry Creek trail, to PlatteRiver, and back to cars. Bring chairs and your lunch and we’ll gather for an early lunch/social after. Call or text leader to reserve your spot as I’m limiting riders to 10 max.
10:30 AM MTB P2, T2, Trails near Breckenridge THE RIDE: Meet Steve Thomas for a ride on the trails near Breckenridge. The ride will be 12-15 miles with some extended climbing and a few somewhat technical downhill areas. The exact route will be decided at the ride start. THE TIME: Meet at the parking lot by the pond on Revett Dr. at 10:30AM. THE DIRECTIONS: From Frisco go south on Hwy 9 towards Breckenridge. After the stop light at the turnoff to the High School and Swan Mtn. Rd., go 2.1 miles to the turnoff for Revett Dr, which will be to the left. Go left on Revett approx. 0.5 miles to the parking lot adjacent to a small pond. We will start and end the ride at this lot. THE FOOD: We will get together at the parking lot for after ride snacks.QUESTIONS: Contact Steve Thomas at 303-419-2531.
Sunday, July 17th:
8:30 AM FUN-H2-21-NW - THE REALLY RADICAL RAT RACE RODENT RIDE RETURNS. Meet Jeff Krinsky (720-373-9107) for this new ride that takes us around the trails of Rock Creek, Interlocken and Broomfield highlighted by the new bike overpass between Interlocken and Broomfield leading to never before seen trails!!! Come find out how this ride got it’s name. Meet at the SE corner of the Safeway parking lot at the Rock Creek Village Shopping Center in Superior. Rock Creek Village is centrally located in Superior at the NW corner of Coalton and Rock Creek Parkway (Address is 1601 Coalton Road Superior, CO. 80027.)
Monday, July 18th:
9:00AM FUN/FUN PLUS-H2-23-SW Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at Reynolds Landing (6745 S. Santa Fe Dr) for a ride south on the South Platte Trail to Chatfield State Park where we will ride to the marina via trails and road. After a break we will return via the same route. Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterwards.
9;00 am FUN-H1-20 NE Meet Wayne Tomasello (720-854-8767) at Twin Lakes Park (226-318 W 70th Ave, Denver, CO 80221) for a ride on Clear Creek trail to the Platte River trail to 104th and return. Optional lunch at Micky's.
Tuesday, July 19th:
7:00 AM FUN PLUS+-H3-38 miles -1550' elev gain. "Ride, Lunch, & Train" Register via TEXT to leader by July 18--Rider Limit of *8*. BEAT the HEAT-- MEET at 07:00am. Join Marilyn Choske (303-905-8510), at Crown Hill Park (26th & Garland) in Wheat Ridge. We'll pedal a large loop SW, E, and N, climbing W Colfax, Dinosaur, Mt. Carbon, and smaller hills east and north to the Platte. Bring $ for lunch stop at Brooklyn's near Mile High. After lunch, hop on the air-conditioned W Line light rail and disembark at Garrison station. Leader will provide train tickets, compliments of DBTC. Ride the 2 miles back to Crown Hill. Bring masks for RTD, just in case. Ride won't go if it's rainy or the forecast is for morning rain. Call the leader if in doubt.
10:00 AM MTB P2, T2, Staunton State Park THE RIDE: Meet Steve Thomas for a ride on the Staunton State Park trails. The ride will be approx. 13 miles with some extended climbing and a few technical downhill areas.THE TIME: Meet at the lower parking lot (go right immediately after going through the entrance booth) at 10:00AM. THE DIRECTIONS: Go west on Hwy 285 past Conifer to S. Elk Creek. Exit S. Elk Creek and go right approx. 1.3 miles to the turnoff, on the right, to the park. THE FOOD: Bring snacks, drinks and chairs for after the ride at the park. QUESTIONS: Contact Steve Thomas at 303-419-2531.
Wednesday, July 20th:
8:30 AM FUN-H2-25-S. CLEMENT PARK LOOP. Meet Patty Gaspar (303-618-5069) in the West Parking Lot behind the library. The Clement Park Loop is west along Lily Gulch Trail out to C-470, then on C-470 Trail south and east to the Platte River Greenway, returning to Clement Park via the Columbine Valley neighborhood.
Thursday, July 21st:
8:30 FUN (was LEISURE) H2-23-SE Cherry Creek Res + Highline Canal Welcome new ride leader Bill Luttrell Lrwllutt@aol.com 719 235-3868 at Eisenhower Park 4300 E. Dartmouth Ave next to the pool. A Moderate loop ride on paved roads and bike trails, bike lanes for the first 5 miles then around Cherry Creek Reservoir on Cherry Creek Trail and finally back on the Highline Canal Trail. Bring snacks for a stop at the Reservoir. We will also stop to look at chain saw mamas animal wood carving on the highland canal. There are some hills and most of the climbing is within the first 5 miles and total elevation gain is 764 ft.
Saturday, July 23rd:
9:00 AM FUN PLUS-H3-25-Frisco (Elevation Gain = 1646’) Meet Jeff Krinsky (720-373-9107) for THE FREE ICE CREAM TOUR OF VAIL PASS. We will meet at the Summit Middle School parking lot in Frisco and ride the multi-use trail through Frisco and Copper Mountain, culminating at Vail Pass. We will enjoy the view and then return to Frisco where DBTC will purchase ice cream for all riders at the Foote’s Rest Sweet Shop in Frisco. Directions to Summit Middle School, 158 School Rd, Frisco: Drive westbound from Denver on I-70 to Exit 203, and take the roundabout exit that leads south onto the bridge crossing I-70. Continue south on Summit Blvd. (Hwy 9) for .8 miles to the stoplight intersection of School Rd. & CR 1040. Turn left onto School Rd., and look for DBTC members in the parking lot.
Sunday, July 24th: Summer Picnic at Anderson Park
7:30 AM FUN PLUS-H3-32 miles-1700' elev gain. "2022 Summer Picnic NW Loop" Register via TEXT to leader by July 22--*LIMIT 10 riders*. BEAT THE HEAT--meet 07:30am, depart 07:45am. Join Marilyn Choske (303-905-8510), at Anderson Park, back parking lot, for this ambitious counter-clockwise loop route. Ride north to access Arvada hills, then west to go over Blunn (aka Arvada) Reservoir from the east. Short dirt trail to, then thru, Golden neighborhood, then a short ride around the east entrance area of White Ranch. If too early to return to Anderson, we'll take group consensus to stop for a cool coffee or tea refresher beverage; bring $ for your purchase. Then easy riding back to the picnic!
8:00 FUN-H2-27 -NW Meet Ellen Fitzpatrick (720-209-2269 at Anderson Park (44th & Field) for a ride on the Clear Creek Trail to Sloans Lake. Register via TEXT to leader by July 22--*LIMIT 10 riders*. We will take neighborhood bike designated streets (Tennyson has a long hill, Perry Streets) to Sloans lake (brief stop), and continue to Lakewood gulch to the Platte. We can stop at Confluence Park for a short beverage/rest stop break before continuing on the Platte trail to Clear Creek and return in time for the picnic. Average speed 11-12, elevation +/- 400’.
8:30 AM LEISURE H1-21-NW meet Dave Noble (home 303-694-2008 cell 303-906-3163) for a loop ride from Anderson Park on some roads and trails (Ralston Creek, Blunn, and Von Bibber) and back for the club lunch.
8:45 AM LEISURE H1-18-NW Clear Creek Trail to Twin Lakes and back meet Marcy Rodney (phone 720-985-3403, no voicemail, text fine) for a ride on the Clear Creek trail from Anderson Park to Twin Lakes Park and back for the club lunch.
9:00 AM FUN-PLUS/INT-H2-23 miles-NW Meet Peter Woulfe (540-219-6674), at Anderson Park (44th & Field) . We will ride west on Clear Creek Trail to McIntyre, then on to the Ralston Creek, Blunn, and Van Bibber Trails, a few streets to Easley and then back to the Clear Creek Trail and return.
9:00AM FUN-H2-21 miles-NW Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at Anderson Park (44th & Field) for a ride on the Clear Creek Trail to the Peak to Plains Trail which we will take to the current construction point. We will then return to Parfet Park in Golden for a break returning to the start on the Clear Creek Trail.
Don’t want to ride? Join us for lunch!
Monday, July 25th:
9;00 am FUN-H2-20 NW Meet Wayne Tomasello (720-854-8767) at Original Brooklyn's (2644 W Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80204) for a ride on Lakewood Gulch to Garrison to Sanderson Gulch to the Platte River to complete the Loop. Optional lunch at the Original Brooklyn's.
9:00AM FUN/FUN PLUS-H1-20-NW Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at Twin Lakes Park (west of Broadway on 70th, 300 W 70th) for a ride east on the Clear Creek Trail to the South Platte Trail and south to REI. After a break we will return via the same route. Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterwards.
Tuesday, July 26th:
INT-H4-25-2470' elev. gain. West "The Sweet Georgetown-to-Loveland-Valley-&-Return Ride" Register via TEXT the leader by JULY 24. Meet 07:37am; ROLL on-time at 08:00am. Join Marilyn Choske (303-905-8510) in Georgetown (location TBA) and pedal up--via bike paths and quiet roads--to Silver Plume and on to Bakerville's 5-mile bike path that spills out onto Hwy 6 just below the Loveland Valley ski area lodge, where everyone will take a (longer) snack break. Return the same way for a dy-no-mite descent and stop en route at Georgetown Valley Candy Company for ice cream--bring $ for your purchase. If you've been riding and conditioning yourself for a real challenge, join us for this adventure. Because it's an out-and-back, you're welcome to turn around at any time, and we'll meet you back in G-town for ice cream. CASUAL uphill pace, meaning at YOUR comfortable pace. Limit 8 riders, including leader. Ride will not go if it is rainy or forecast for morning rain. Call the leader if in doubt. Remember that this is mountain riding -- warm, waterproof wear!
10:00 AM, MTB Show’nGoP1, T1.5, Easy Cooler Lunch Ride - Flying J Ranch Park. These are Show’nGo Rides: there is no official leader. Riders can group according to ability. Flying J Ranch is near Conifer. Meet at the main trailhead (north lot). DIRECTIONS: From C-470 go south on US 285 approximately 12.5 miles to Aspen Park. Exit at Barkley Road and go left onto Barkley for a half-mile to County Road 73. Go right on County Road 73 for about three-fourths of a mile to the Flying J Ranch Park sign. Turn left into the park and travel a half-mile to the trailhead parking lot. ((You can also arrive there via Evergreen if I 70 is more convenient for you than highway 285. )) Map and info: https://www.jeffco.us/1220/Flying-J-Ranch-Park .POSTRIDE: Bring a chair and snacks for a post ride picnic in the parking lot.
Wednesday, July 27th:
8:00 AM FUN-H1-26 miles-SW Join Linda Wheeler (419-973-8282) at Fox Hollow Golf Course 13410 Morrison Road, Lakewood. We'll ride the Bear Creek Trail to the South Platte to Nixon's Coffee and back. We'll enjoy breakfast/lunch afterwards at The Den, Fox Hollow's Restaurant with a beautiful view of the course.
Friday July 29th:
7:45am INT-H3-21-W-2100ft elevation gain Meet Bill Luttrell at Rooney Road Trailhead, near Alameda & 470 at 7:45AM, leave at 8am. Call or text me at (719 235-3868) to register as I am limiting ride to 9 riders. We will take Rooney Road to US 6 trail, to 19th, climb lookout mountain, down US 40 to Heritage, go over Dinosaur Ridge and back up Rooney to parking lot. This should not be your first climb up Lookout Mountain. We will regroup on the climb at Windy Ridge and the top. Restrooms at trailhead, Windy Ridge and top. Water available at start, Windy Ridge and the top. If group wants more climbing we will head up to Trading post at Red Rocks and back from Heritage Road. This is a good training ride for rides with more elevation gain and distance.
9:30 AM LEISURE H2-10-W MAYHEM GULCH Meet Richard Gieseler and Suzanne Gruba (303-946-8996) at the Mayhem Gulch Trailhead in Clear Creek Canyon on Hwy 6 west of Golden for a ride on the scenic Peaks to Plains paved trail along Clear Creek. Some longish hills with a bit of a grade. Mountain bike gears are good. Bring a snack for a picnic after or during the ride.
Saturday, July 30th:
9:00AM FUN/FUN PLUS-H2-25-SW DBTC will provide cupcakes to celebrate Merri’s birthday! Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at Broken Tee Golf Course (west end of parking lot at 2101 W. Oxford in Englewood). We will ride the South Platte Trail north and then ride west along the Bear Creek Trail over the Bear Creek Dam to Morrison. After a break we will return via Morrison Road to Fox Hollow Golf Course, where we will meet up with the trail and ride back to the start. Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterwards.
Sunday, July 31st:
8:00 AM FUN PLUS H2-33-SE Meet Ellen Fitzpatrick (720-209-2269) at Arapahoe
Trailhead (15200 East Arapaho Road, Centennial), on the south side of Arapahoe
Rd, just east of Jordan Road. We will ride out to and around Aurora Reservoir (
and take a break at the Marina) going north on the South Cherry Creek Trail into
the Cherry Creek State Park, then connecting to the Piney Creek Trail east.
Bring snacks and water as the marina store may not be open early. Bring lunch
and we’ll gather after the ride. Call or text me to sign up for the ride as
limiting to 10 riders max.
** 8 am- FUN PLUS/INT- H2 (elev 1400’)38-SE** Meet Wes and Ruby (303-522-3573) at 7:45 am, roll by 8 am, on the SE side of King Soopers Marketplace between King Soopers & 3 Margaritas restaurant (25701 E. Smoky Hill Rd. Aurora, CO 80016). We will take Powhaton Rd/Harvest Rd. to High Plains Trail; link up with the Highline Canal trail and then join up with the Tollgate Creek trail SE back to our starting point.
Optional lunch (bring $$) at a nearby restaurant for anyone interested after the ride!
Monday, August 1st:
9:00 AM FUN-H1-25-SW Meet Wayne Tomasello (720-854-8767) at River Point Shopping area off Santa Fe and Oxford near the Chili's restaurant ( 3860 River Point Pkwy, Sheridan, CO 80110). The ride will be going South on the South Platte trail to Chatfield reservoir and back. An optional lunch is at Chili's restaurant.
9:00AM FUN/FUN PLUS-H2-19-SW Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at the Stone House (Estes & Yale along the Bear Creek Trail). We will ride east on the Bear Creek Trail to the South Platte Trail taking it south to Nixon’s Coffee at Hudson Gardens for a break. We will return via the same route. Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterwards.