July 2024 DBTC Ride Schedule 

Monday July 1st:

9:00 AM FUN PLUS-H1-26-SW Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at Reynolds Landing (6745 S. Santa Fe Dr) for a ride north on the South Platte Trail to REI.  After a break, we will return via the same route.  Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterward.


10:30 AM MTB Winter Park mountain bike loop T2 P3 Tipperary Creek loop 13.2 miles 1400 foot elevation gain MeetJanet Martel 303-929-5950 Jmartel98@gmail.com for a mostly single track ride. See trail description on MTB project. Meet at the Frasier Safeway a mile past Winter Park on US 40.  Use the parking lot area furthest away from the store at 10:30am.  We will drive a few miles together to a better parking area at the trailhead. This is not a difficult MTB ride but it is at altitude.  We will take as many breaks as needed.  Bring plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen. 

Tuesday, July 2nd:

07:15 AM.  INT-H4-32-SW-1930' elev gain.  "GREEN GABLES SW LOOP TO MAGILL'S ICE CREAM" REGISTER BY TEXT to leader by July 1.  MEET 7:15. Join Marilyn Choske (303-905-8510) at Green Gables Park, enter from east side of Garrison, located between Wisconsin & Florida, for this ambitious leg-burner, heart-pumping LOOP ride. Pedal south and west thru Bear Creek Park & Mt. Carbon to C470 south.  Ride onto Ken Caryl to South Valley Road and on to Deer Creek Canyon Road for a short way.  Exit at Ute and access northbound Kipling Parkway bike path all the way to Girton (near US285).  Continue north & east to Magill's on Jewell.  Bring $ and enjoy your ice cream.  Finish the ride NW to Garrison & Florida and our awaiting cars.  Here's your RWGPS link of the route:  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43427152

8:00 AM (was 8:30 AM) Leisure-H1/H2 18 SW.  Littleton Adventure  Meet Jill McMahon (303 888-0314 cell) at Reynolds Landing for a ride south and west through Littleton on paved trails and quiet streets.  (Go west on Brewery Lane at Santa Fe Drive where there is a light.  Continue past the Breckenridge Brewery to the big parking lot at the end of the road on the right.) We will ride on the Platte Trail, through Columbine Valley, Clement Park, the Lilley Gulch Trail and the Dutch Creek Trail. This is a loop ride with an optional lunch afterwards.  Bring a snack and money for lunch if you plan to join us.

Wednesday, July 3rd:

9:00 AM FUN PLUS-H2-21-SW Meet Peter Woulfe (540-219-6674) at Reynolds Landing parking lot (6745 S. Santa Fe Dr). We will ride the South Platte, go up Dartmouth Ave. to  Dahlia Street, proceed to Quincy Street, on to Clarkson to Big Dry Creek, and then return on the South Platte. Bring your lunch to socialize after the ride.

9:00 AM FUN-H2-20 SW Twin Tunnel Route Meet Patty Gaspar (303-618-5069) at Broken Tee Golf Course (2101 W. Oxford, Englewood 80110) for a ride up Big Dry Creek to the Highline Canal. The canal is hard packed along this beautiful section of the trail that will have you humming Country Roads. I will be on my road bike, but a hybrid works. After a snack along the trail, we will go UNDER Hampden and Colorado Blvd. using the two new tunnels then 4 miles of downhill on Dartmouth and back. Picnic lunch after. 

Thursday, July 4th:

9:00 AM FUN PLUS-H2-22-NW Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at Anderson Park (44th & Field) for a ride west on the Clear Creek Trail.  At McIntyre St, we will ride north to 50th Ave, taking it west to Easley Rd.  We will ride north to 60th Ave (becomes 58th) to Hwy 93, which we will take south.  Note:  we will spend approximately 1 mile on a wide shoulder on Hwy 93.  After a break at Norman D Memorial Park, we will ride DOWN Tucker Gulch to the Clear Creek Trail and back to the start.

Friday, July 5th:

8:30 AM. LEISURE-H1-20-NE.CENTRAL PARK-ARSENAL LOOP.  Meet Helen Berkman  (720-355-5687) outside Rosenberg’s Deli at Stanley Marketplace, 2501 Dallas St., Aurora, for a post-4th of July tour of Central Park (formerly Stapleton).  From the old control tower to Northfield High School and from the historic Stanley Hangar to the Arsenal Nat’l Wildlife Refuge, we’ll check out all the corners of what is now Denver’s largest neighborhood. Optional lunch afterward at Rosenberg’s.

Saturday, July 6th:

9:00 AM FUN PLUS-H2-22-NW Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at Anderson Park (44th & Field) for a ride west on the Clear Creek Trail to Easley Rd, which we will take north to the Blunn Trail.  After a break on the west side of the Westwoods Golf Course, we will return through Arvada neighborhoods on 50th and 52nd avenues and through Wheat Ridge neighborhoods.

Sunday, July 7th:

07:30 AM.  FUN-H2-21-W-1034’ elev. gain.  "2024 BIRTHDAY-GIRL RIDE!"  REGISTER BY TEXT to leader by July 6.  MEET 07:30.  Join birthday-girl, Marilyn Choske, (303-905-8510) at Wheat Ridge Rec Center in Wheat Ridge, 41st & Kipling, far north end parking lot nearest Kipling Street.  Nice, no-rush, casual pace for this westbound loop to Golden and the Peaks-to-Prairie trail & return.  Some hills up, some down!  Birthday cake & iced tea at the end of ride.  Limit 10 riders, including leader.  Ride will not go if it is rainy or the forecast is for morning rain. Call the leader if in doubt.

Monday July 8th:

9:00 AM FUN PLUS-H1-19-SW Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at the Stone House (Estes & Yale along the Bear Creek Trail).  We will ride east on the Bear Creek Trail to the South Platte Trail, taking it south to Nixon’s Coffee for a break.  We will return via the same route.  Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterward. 

Tuesday, July 9th:

7:30 AM.  FUN PLUS-H3-29-NW-1291' elev gain. "SCRUMPTIOUS FUN BLUNN RUN!"  REGISTER BY TEXT to leader by July 8.  MEET 07:30.  Join Marilyn Choske (303-905-8510) at Anderson Park, 44th & Field St, Wheat Ridge--back parking lot near big pavilion.  Clear Creek Trail west to Tucker Gulch, north on Hwy 93 to Van Bibber Trail.  North for climb over Blunn (aka Arvada) Reservoir, Ralston Creek Trail into Arvada for Ice Cream stop, and return. Trails and bike-friendly streets. Pace 10-14mph.  Ride will not go if rainy or forecast is for morning rain; call leader if in doubt.  

9:00 AM FUN PLUS-H2-28-SE Village Greens to REI Meet Susan Larson (720-207-7300) at Village Greens Park (9501 East Union Avenue, Greenwood Village) for a ride north on the Cherry Creek Trail.  We’ll make a stop at REI for a break and then return via the same route.  Bring money if you’d like to purchase a beverage at REI and bring a sack lunch to enjoy after the ride.

Wednesday, July 10th:


7:45 AM Intermediate Ride - H2 - 42 miles - West. Meet Tom Fitzgerald (303-424-1082) at Crown Hill Park (26th Ave, east of Kipling). We'll pedal south on Garrison to the Stone House, then east on the Bear Creek Trail. At the Platte River, we'll head north. After a brief stop at REI (at Confluence Park), we'll continue north to the Clear Creek Trail. Then west, back to Wheat Ridge, and Crown Hill Park. 

This is an intermediate ride. We will average ~14 mph when the wheels are turning.

8:00 am LEISURE H1-15-20-NW.  NW Trails.   Meet Jake Jacobi (720.808.2306) behind McDonalds on the south-west corner of 100th and Wadsworth Pkwy. The ride will be on Big Dry Creek, the Hwy 36 Trail south, Bradburn Blvd, Little Dry Creek to Kipling; then on streets back to the start. Optional lunch afterwards.

9:00 AM FUN-H2-18 miles SW NEW ROUTE Enjoy the Gardens; come early to walk through the gardens when it is still cool. Meet Patty Gaspar (303-618-5069) at Nixon’s Coffee Shop at Hudson Gardens. The parking lot for trail use is at the north end of Hudson Gardens behind the car wash on Maplewood Street. There is a short trail down to the coffee shop. You cannot ride your bike in the gardens. We’ll wander through BowMar South and Grant Ranch then streak down Pierce and Bear Creek Trail back to the Gardens. Cookie and lemonade stop at my house at the halfway point. Lunch on the patio at Nixon’s- bring or buy. Those that didn’t come early can walk through the gardens and actually stop and smell the roses. 

Thursday, July 11th:

9:30 AM FUN PLUS-H3-25-Frisco (Elevation Gain = 1646’) Meet Jeff Krinsky (720-373-9107) for THE FREE ICE CREAM TOUR OF VAIL PASS. We will meet at the Summit Middle School parking lot in Frisco and ride the multi-use trail through Frisco and Copper Mountain, culminating at Vail Pass.  We will enjoy the view and then return to Frisco where DBTC will purchase ice cream for all riders at the Foote’s Rest Sweet Shop in Frisco. Directions to Summit Middle School, 158 School Rd, Frisco: Drive westbound from Denver on I-70 to Exit 203, and take the roundabout exit that leads south onto the bridge crossing I-70. Continue south on Summit Blvd. (Hwy 9) for .8 miles to the stoplight intersection of School Rd. & CR 1040. Turn left onto School Rd., and look for DBTC members in the parking lot.

Friday, July 12th:

7:15 AM (was 07:45 am.)  FUN-H2-28-NW-1100’ elev gain. “ARVADA ARROWHEAD LOOP”  REGISTER BY TEXT to leader by July 11.  MEET 7:15 (was 07:45.)  Join Marilyn Choske (303-905-8510) at Anderson Park in Wheat Ridge, 44th & Field St., back parking lot near big pavilion.  Ride an arrowhead-shaped loop around Arvada on bikepaths and bike-friendly roads. Bring $ for an optional beverage stop along the way. Pace 10-14mph.  Ride won’t go if rainy or forecast is for morning rain; call leader if in doubt.

Saturday, July 13th:

8:00 AM (was 9:00 AM) FUN PLUS-H3-24-NW-(Elevation Gain = 1207 feet) Meet Jeff Krinsky (720-373-9107) for THE GREAT TOTEM POLE RIDE AKA THE HIDDEN GEMS OF INTERLOCKEN! This exciting ride full of twists and turns uses portions of the new Hwy. 36 Trail to take us on a loop that includes the hidden gems of Flatirons Mall, Interlocken, Standley Lake, and Rock Creek Village! We will meet at the Rock Creek Village Safeway, which is centrally located in Superior at the NW corner of Coalton and Rock Creek Parkway (Address is 1601 Coalton Rd., Superior). This ride is now 99.99% on paved trails. 

Sunday, July 14th:

9:00 AM (was 9:30 AM) FUN-H3-25 NW Meet Jeff Krinsky (720-373-9107) for the award winning Tour De Boulder ride that includes an amazing JUGGLING and Magic presentation. The ride will concentrate on the Boulder Creek, Skunk Creek and Bear Creek paths that are pretty flat but we will also take Boulder Creek a little ways up into the foothills before we turn around. The adventure begins at the parking lot near the jungle gym rocket at Scott Carpenter Park in Boulder at the SW corner of 30th ST and Arapahoe Avenue. The first 100 attendees get to ride for free!!!

Monday July 15th:

9:00 AM FUN PLUS-H1-22-NW Meet Peter Woulfe (540-219-6674) in for Merri Bruntz at Prospect Park (44th & Robb) for a ride east on the Clear Creek Trail to Twin Lakes Park.  After a break, we will return via the same route.  Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterward.

Tuesday, July 16th:

07:15-FUN PLUS-NW-28.5 miles-1812' elev. CROWN HILL WEST LOOP--White Ranch/Kinney Run/Apex/Colfax/DenverWest. REGISTER BY TEXT (303-905-8510) by July 15. Join Marilyn Choske on this reverse loop of sorts for miles and challenging climbs. Downhills are your rewards! Early start before any rains after noon. Group consensus for beverage stop.

CANCELLED due to rain forecast in Idaho Springs AND REPLACED BY ABOVE RIDE

9:00 AM.  INT-H3-24-1800’ elev gain. “EMPIRE ICE CREAM RIDE” - MEET 09:00am.  REGISTER BY TEXT to leader by July 15.  Meet Marilyn Choske (303-905-8510) for this Idaho Springs-to-Empire ride. Drive/meet directions follow description. Pedal on bikepath/trail thru Idaho Springs, onto Stanley Road and Hwy 40 to Empire Dairy King. NOTE–there is no good shoulder on Hwy 40 to climb up to Empire; use caution. Bring $ to purchase and enjoy your ice cream treat. Return the same route. CASUAL pace to and ZIPPITY-DO-DAH from Empire (mostly downhill). Limit 8 riders, including leader. Ride won’t go if rainy or forecast is for morning rain; call the leader if in doubt.

DIRECTIONS: I-70 Exit 241. Take first RIGHT at the exit roundabout and follow the road up & over I-70. Just past the green sign, turn RIGHT towards County Road 314 (if you miss this turn, you’re back on eastbound I-70!). Turn RIGHT at the stop sign & continue to the ballpark ahead and park on the north side of the park. Look for the leader's red Kia Sportage w/bike rack.

Wednesday, July 17th:


9:00 AM FUN -H2&3-20SW Ride the Roller Coaster Construction change: Meet Patty Gaspar 303-618-5069 at Broken Tee Golf Course 2101 W Oxford Ave, Englewood to ride the Platte River Trail to Mineral to take the bridge over Santa Fe and ride the trail up Mineral to the Highline Canal and over to C470 trail, then a final climb to Clarkson for your reward - fun rollers followed a great downhill to Big Dry Creek to finish the loop. Weather permitting - watch MeetUp.


9:00 AM FUN-H2-20 SW Twin Tunnel Route Meet Patty Gaspar (303-618-5069) at Broken Tee Golf Course (2101 W. Oxford, Englewood 80110) for a ride up Big Dry Creek to the Highline Canal. The canal is hard packed along this beautiful section of the trail that will have you humming Country Roads. I will be on my road bike, but a hybrid works. After a snack along the trail, we will go UNDER Hampden and Colorado Blvd. using the two new tunnels then 4 miles of downhill on Dartmouth and back. Picnic lunch after.

Thursday, July 18th:

8:45 AM  FUN/LEISURE.  H1/H2-18-SE. Duffy Rolls and Poolside Lunch Ride. Meet Janet Kritzer (303 883-2474 cell) for a ride through Cherry Hills, Greenwood Village and beyond. Enjoy Duffy Rolls to start and a gravel trail ride on the Highline Canal Trail to Big Dry Creek to Belleview Park. After riding thru Old Cherry Hills and Woody Hollow Park, we will then wind thru some pretty streets and the Highline to arrive back at 34 Sedgwick. Ride will be 2/3 on packed gravel with some dirt on the trails. Hybrid bike suggested. Meet at Janet Kritzer’s home 34 Sedgwick Drive ( Devonshire Heights) Cherry Hills Village to park and start. After the Ride: Duffy’s Sandwiches served at poolside tables and under covered umbrellas.

Directions: 34 Sedgwick is just off of Hampden Ave on the south side halfway between University and Colorado Blvds.  ( Wellshire Golf Fairways are across the street) Turn into Devonshire Heights and make an immediate left to go to 34 Sedgwick. Please park- single file in the circular wide driveway or on street in front of the house. DBTC Members only and limited to 16 riders.   MUST RSVP to Janet Kritzer 303-883-2474. 


9:00 AM Fun Plus-H3.5-28 miles-SW up to 2000 ft of gain. Meet Diane Short across from the gas station at Rooney Rd and Morrison Rd (C-470) at 9 a.m. ride through Bear Creek Park and through the neighborhoods between Hiway 285 and Belleview, over to Willow Springs, Ken Caryl (3 little climbs) to S. valley park.  Option to come back via original route or the bike path.  Plan to be back by 1 to avoid storms. Four must call in order for the ride to go   303-271-9642 (land).  Not on Meet Up

Friday, July 19th:

9:00 AM FUN PLUS-H2-24-SE  KRISPY KREME DONUT RIDE Meet Susan Larson (720-207-7300) at Arapahoe Road Trailhead (.2 miles east on Arapahoe Rd from the Arapahoe Rd and S. Jordan Rd intersection) for a fun ride along the Cherry Creek Trail south to the E470 Trail where we’ll turn and go west.  We’ll ride over the bridge at S. Yosemite Street and check out the brand new bridge over Acres Green Drive making a stop at Krispy Kreme.  Bring money for a donut and/or beverage.  We’ll ride back on the same route.  Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterward.

Saturday, July 20th:

8:30 AM (was 9:00 AM) FUN PLUS-H2-28 N (774 feet of elevation gain) The Great Moon Landing Ride AKA THE HIDDEN GEMS OF Thornton/Northglenn/Westminster!!! Meet Jeff Krinsky (720-373-9107) for this somewhat new Hidden Gems adventure around the tri cities and other nearby areas highlighted by Clear Creek, Platte River (including the infamous Thornton Ponds,) backwards on the Highline Canal, HWY 36 Trail, and Little Dry Creek. To do this loop right we need to go 28 miles but it will be well worth the effort! We will meet at Twin Lakes Park (west of Broadway on 70th Ave). Bring food for a post-ride picnic lunch at beautiful Twin Lakes Park.

Sunday, July 21st:

8:00 AM  FUN – H1- 35  NE HIDDEN TRAILS.  Meet Cyndy Klepinger (303.725.1565) at Cake Crumbs, 2216 Kearney.  We will discover some newer trails as well as enjoy the popular Cherry Creek. .  The route starts with Cherry Creek Trail, then the Highline Canal to Tollgate to Sand Creek and finally Central Park trails.  There are a few miles of city street riding.  Ride limited to 10 riders, to reserve a spot, text Cyndy at 303.725.1565.   Will have the opportunity to get a snack at Cake Crumbs after the ride.  All rides are weather permitting..   Check Meetup posting if you are not sure if a ride is a go or not.

8:30 AM (was 9:00 AM) FUN -H2-23-NW Meet Jeff Krinsky (720-373-9107) for THE HIDDEN GEMS OF ARVADA. We have all experienced the traditional Arvada classic trails of Ralston Creek, Clear Creek, and Van Bibber. Check out this new route instead that explores Lake Arbor, the Pomona Lakes, the Arvada Fire Fighter’s Park, the backside of baseball, and other forgotten areas and is guaranteed to be an adventure! Meet at the SE corner of HWY 36 and 104th at the back side of the now closed Black Bear Diner, formally Quaker State and Lube Restaurant (10392 Reed St., Westminster, CO) by a hidden entrance to a hidden trail where the adventure will begin (and end).

Monday, July 22nd:

9:00 AM FUN PLUS-H2-22-SW Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at Crown Hill Park (26th & Garrison) for a ride to Wash Park.  We will ride through neighborhoods to the Cherry Creek Trail, which we will take to Wash Park.  After riding around the park and taking a break we will return via the Cherry Creek Trail, South Platte Trail and the Neighborhood Bikeway (35th Ave) back to the start.  Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterward.

Tuesday, July 23rd:

8:30 AM (was 7:30 AM) INT-H4-25-2470’ elev gain. “THE SWEET GEORGETOWN TO LOVELAND VALLEY & RETURN RIDE” REGISTER BY TEXT to leader by July 22.  MEET 07:30am.  Join Marilyn Choske (303-905-8510) in Georgetown (location TBA) and pedal up–via bike paths and quiet roads–to Silver Plume and on to Bakerville’s 5-mile bike path that spills us out onto Hwy 6 just below the Loveland Valley ski area lodge, where everyone will take a (longer) snack break. Return the same way for a dy-no-mite descent and stopping en route at Georgetown Valley Candy Company for ice cream for your efforts, *compliments of DBTC*!  If you’ve been riding and conditioning yourself for a real challenge, join us for this adventure.  Because it’s an out-and-back, you’re welcome to turn around at any time, and we’ll meet you back in G-town for ice cream.  CASUAL uphill pace, meaning at YOUR comfortable pace.  Limit 10 riders, including leader.  Ride will not go if rainy or forecast is for morning rain; call leader if in doubt.  Remember that this is mountain riding – warm, waterproof wear!

8:00 AM Leisure H2-20-SW Englewood/Littleton Loop  Meet Lin Hark (303-507-3502) at River Run Park (2101 W Oxford Ave, Access from Englewood's Broken Tee Golf Course). We will ride a loop through Englewood, Littleton, Cherry Hills Village, and the Highline Canal. Part of the ride will be on the gravel trail along the Highline Canal. We will stop at a couple of parks. Bring a snack, a lock and money for an optional lunch at a nearby restaurant after the ride.

Wednesday, July 24th:

10:00 AM FUN/FUN PLUS-H2/3-24-1800' elev. gain.  Beat the Heat "Georgetown Ice Cream Ride" Meet Patty Gaspar (303-618-5069) for this Idaho Springs-to-Georgetown ride. We will ride through Idaho Springs and follow the service road up to Georgetown. Bring $ to purchase and enjoy your ice cream treat.  Return the same route.  CASUAL pace to and ZIPPITY-DO-DAH from Georgetown (mostly downhill).  DIRECTIONS: I-70 Exit 241. Take first RIGHT at the exit roundabout and follow the road up & over I-70. Just past the green sign, turn RIGHT towards County Road 314 (if you miss this turn, you're back on eastbound I-70!).  Turn RIGHT at the stop sign & continue to the ballpark ahead and park on the north side of the park.  

Thursday, July 25th:

10:00 AM FUN PLUS-H2-23-SE  ICE CREAM RIDE  Meet Susan Larson (720-207-7300) at Arapahoe Road Trailhead (.2 miles east on Arapaho Rd from the Arapahoe Rd and S Jordan Rd intersection) for a ride along the Cherry Creek Trail south, connecting to the Sulpher Gulch Trail and then the Tallman Gulch Trail.  We’ll ride on the Tallman Gulch Trail stopping near Legends High School at a park for a break.  These trails offer some nice shade along the way.  Bring money for an ice cream stop at locally owned Kilwins on Main Street in Parker on the way back.


Friday, July 26th:

9:00 AM FUN-H2-21-NW MAJESTIC BUBBLE RIDE Meet Jeff Krinsky (720-373-9107) at the Majestic view Park North parking lot (north on Wadsworth to W 72nd Ave, west on 72nd, just west of Carr on the south side. THIS IS NOT THE ENTRANCE at GARRISON ST. or 71st ST!) The ride will go west on Ridge Road and van Bibber Creek Trail, north on the new Blunn Trail and then return on the entire length of Ralston Creek Trail. The theme of this ride is bubbles so bubble wands will be provided to all participants during the Ralston Creek Golf Course break!

Saturday, July 27th: Summer Picnic at Anderson Park - lunch at 11:45

7:30 AM.  FUN PLUS+-H3-32-1700' elev gain.  "2024 SUMMER PICNIC NW LOOP"  REGISTER BY TEXT to leader by July 26.  MEET 07:30.  Join Marilyn Choske (303-905-8510), at Anderson Park, back parking lot, for this ambitious counter-clockwise loop route.  Ride north to Arvada hills, then west to go over Blunn (aka Arvada) Reservoir from the east.  Short dirt trail to--then thru--Golden neighborhood, then a short ride around the east entrance area of White Ranch.  If too early to return to Anderson, we'll take group consensus to stop for a cool coffee or tea refresher beverage; bring $ for your purchase.  Then easy riding back to the picnic! 

8:00 AM FUN PLUS.  H2 - 30 miles - West.  Meet Tom Fitzgerald (303-424-1082) at Anderson Park (44th & Field) for a ride east on the Clear Creek Trail to the Platte River Trail.  Then south to the Lakewood Dry Gulch Trail (~13th Avenue), where we'll head west to Garrison Street, then north through the Glens to Crown Hill Park, and back to the Clear Creek Trail and Anderson Park.  We'll take a break at REI along the way. 

8:15 AM FUN-PLUS-H2-23-NW Meet Peter Woulfe (540-219-6674), at Anderson Park (44th & Field) . We will ride west on Clear Creek Trail to McIntyre, then on to the Ralston Creek, Blunn, and Van Bibber Trails, a few streets to Easley and then back to the Clear Creek Trail and return.

8:30 AM FUN-H2-25-NW Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at Anderson Park (44th & Field) for a ride west on the Clear Creek Trail to Easley Road, which we will take to the Ralston Creek Trail.  After a break, we will then ride the entire length of the Ralston Creek Trail returning via the Clear Creek Trail back to the park.

8:30AM LEISURE-H2+-17mi approx 550 elevation. NW.  Meet  Marlene Patacky 720-838-7338 at Anderson Park, for an out and back ride along Clear Creek into Golden. There is a long uphill approaching Golden. We will ride through Golden and continue up Clear Creek past Hwy 93 to explore the beautiful new trail they are building in Clear Creek Canyon. Bring a snack and water.

Sunday, July 28th:


07:00 AM--INT-H4-38-SW-+2110’ elev. Beat the Heat & MEET at 7 AM.“KEN CARYL/VALLEY/CHATFIELD/COLUMBINE LOOP" Challenge!  REGISTER BY TEXT 303-905-8510 to leader by July 27.  Join Marilyn Choske at Green Gables Park, enter from east side of Garrison, located between Wisconsin & Florida, for this ambitious leg-burner, heart-pumping LOOP ride. Pedal south and west thru Bear Creek Park to C470 south.  Ride onto and thru Ken Caryl neighborhoods to Valley Road and on to Chatfield.  Maneuver to Columbine Trail and Lowell north.  Bring $ and reward your efforts with a cool beverage and maybe a treat at the Mineral Ave Dunkin'.  Continue north to Bear Creek Trail and ride NW to Garrison and our start.  Limit 8 riders, including leader.

8:00 AM FUN-H1-24-30 NE. MYSTERY RIDE TO THE EAST. Meet Cyndy Klepinger (303.725.1565)  at Cake Crumbs, 2216 Kearney. We’ll ride a combination of city streets  to the Sand Creek Trail, then ride east toward the Aurora Soccer fields.  We will return by way of bike lanes and city streets.  Route may change depending on construction and increased traffic.   Pace will be 12 to 14 mph.  .  Ride limited to 10 riders, to reserve a spot, text Cyndy at 303.725.1565.  Will have the opportunity to get a snack at Cake Crumbs after the ride. All rides are weather permitting,  Check Meetup posting if you are not sure if a ride is a go or not.

Monday, July 29th:  

9:00 AM FUN PLUS-H2-25-SW Merri’s Birthday Ride (one day early) Meet Merri Bruntz (303-517-9781) at Broken Tee Golf Course (west end of parking lot at 2101 W. Oxford in Englewood).  We will ride the South Platte Trail north to the Bear Creek Trail, which we will take west over the Bear Creek Dam to Morrison.  After a break, we will return via Morrison Rd to Fox Hollow Golf Course, where we will meet up with the Bear Creek Trail and ride back to the start.  Bring a sack lunch for a picnic afterward. DBTC will provide cupcakes.

Tuesday, July 30th


8:00 AM (was 8:30 a.m) LEISURE H2-23-NORTH.  Oskar Blues to Sandstone Ranch.  Meet Marcy Rodney for this beautiful lollipop route that starts at Oskar Blues Homemade Liquids and Solids, 1555 S Hover St, Longmont. Park at the far north end of the parking lot. We'll ride along the Left Hand Greenway, merge on to the St. Vrain Greenway, and follow this flat, flat trail through farmlands all the way out to the historic Sandstone Ranch for a break (bring snack). We'll return via the St. Vrain out to 75th St., where we hit the roller coaster Boulder County roads for about 3.5 miles. Then we swing into the neighborhood roads for our return to Oskar Blues and a tasty (optional) lunch. Text ride leader Marcy Rodney ahead of time 720-985-3403 for more detailed ride notes.

Wednesday, July 31st:

9:00 AM FUN PLUS H-2-18 SW Meet  Peter Woulfe (540-219-6674) at Clement Park. Meet behind the library near the skateboard park. We will ride some quiet streets in the Columbine neighborhood to South Platte Canyon Rd., to Chatfield State Park, up the dam, ride the paved portion then to the C-470 trail, to Garrison St., onto a few quiet, winding streets, to the Dutch Creek Trail, and return to Clement Park. Bring your lunch to socialize after the ride.

See the July newsletter all of the July rides here => DBTC NL JULY 2024.pdf

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